We convert 16mm and 8mm film to digital using a professional scanning process that eliminates the flicker. We adjust the brightness, contrast and sharpness on each video, and the converted film looks better than the original. Cost is $25 per reel.
We convert VHS, VHS-C, Mini DV and 8mm Tape to digital, and adjust the color and contrast on each one, as well as remove hiss and normalize the audio. Cost is $10 per tape.
We convert Standard and Blu-Ray DVD's to digital file, along with older audio and video CD's. Cost is $10 per item.
Brick United is committed to the promotion of community spirit, cooperation, and unity among all of the dedicated, hardworking, and passionate people of Brick Township. Click the logo above to view hundreds of game films from the 50's to present.
The Mike Pettine Foundation embodies “The Pettine Way” by providing tools for success in forms of college scholarships and community support. Click the photo above to view their youtube channel, and click here to learn more about their organization: https://mikepettinefoundation.org/our-projects/
Phone: (908) 461-5249
Email: Recruitingtape@gmail.com
38 Henry Street, Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07702, United States
FootballFilmForever.com, RecruitingTape.com, HighlightFilm.com and MemoriesSavedForever.com are divisions of Toland Technologies.
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